After religious violence, Indian archbishop holds peace summit

by Joshua J. McElwee

News Editor

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A Catholic professor in India recently had his hand chopped off by Islamic radicals for allegedly insulting Islam in an exam question paper.

The archbishop's response?

A peace summit. Here's the inspiring story from UCA News.

An archbishop in southern India has brought together Hindu, Muslim and Christian leaders in a meeting to promote peace in Kerala state.

This comes in response to a recent incident in which Islamic radicals chopped off the hand of a Catholic professor, T.J. Joseph, for allegedly insulting Islam in an exam question paper.

“It’s our duty to maintain harmony and mutual respect. That’s why we organized this meeting,” said Major Archbishop Baselios Mar Cleemis, head of the Kerala-based Syro-Malankara Church.

A statement issued after the meeting, which was held in the state capital Thiruvananthapuram on July 31, appealed to leaders of all religions to fight the “divisive forces” that aim to destabilize society.

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