Pelosi: the person beyond the attack ads

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is the favorite political piñata of this weird election season, the figure everyone loves to hate, the attack ads' one-dimensional recipient of voter anger and frustration.

So it was refreshing to come across the delightfully against-the-grain and beautifully written profile of the speaker just this side of what many are predicting will be the end of her leadership days. The piece is by Melinda Henneberger, editor in chief of Politics Daily.

There's a reason this pinata won't break: she was born to the political fight, and she relishes every moment of it.

Here’s a taste:

Both the anger in Milwaukee and the apathy in San Francisco are Pelosi's enemies, but what I wonder is how she sees the public's disappointment in her party. Given that she's turned so much of what President Obama promised voters he would do if elected into the law of the land, why, in her view, are Americans who got exactly what they voted for so unhappy about it?

Nothing mysterious about it, she says: "There are forces at work, special interests, corporate interests, who aren't happy about our holding insurance companies accountable for fair coverage for the American people for their health. There are people who aren't happy about our Wall Street reform that is the biggest regulation reform in decades and the biggest consumer protection in history. So you have all those forces at work, pouring millions and millions of dollars into the media and now into the campaigns to mischaracterize everything that we did – so that's that.'' Now, she says, it's up to her members to sell it anyway.

Read the whole thing here.

There’s a particularly interesting section on Pelosi the daily-Mass-attending Catholic.

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