Archdiocese of Milwaukee to file for bankruptcy

Archbishop Jerome E. Listecki of Milwaukee, Wis., addresses a press conference in this 2009 file photo. (CNS photo/Ernie Mastroianni, Catholic Herald)

The Archdiocese of Milwaukee, in a sign that the sad consequences of the priest sex abuse crisis continue to erode the stature of the Catholic Church in the United States, announced it would seek bankruptcy protection today.

The announcement was made by Archbishop Jerome Listecki.

The tensions of the debate over how the crisis should be handled are caught in quotes from a story on the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel website:

"For those of you who may feel anger and resentment that we have come to this moment, STOP," Listecki said in a letter to church members on Tuesday. "We are here because of one reason: Priests sexually abused minors."

Read the full story: Archdiocese of Milwaukee to file for bankruptcy

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