Morning Briefing


A group dedicated to defending church teaching on marriage at Georgetown University has been accused of being a “hate group” and faces possible banning and defunding.

Indigenous activists that have been leading nonviolent campaigns against fracking in southern Mexico will be honored by Pax Christi International at a ceremony in Rome this weekend.

As Kenya prepares for a historic repeat presidential election this week, sisters are playing a significant role as poll observers and voter educators.

President Trump attended the swearing in of Callista Gingrich as U.S. ambassador to the Holy See in the White House yesterday.

A new book brings together hundreds of diplomatic positions from the Vatican’s longest-serving ambassador to the U.N., revealing development of the church’s social teaching since the onset of the new millennium.

A website is crowdsourcing a rating system on how open various churches are to LGBT people and issues. No Catholic parishes have been ranked yet.

A new generation of labor priests and bishops, inspired by Pope Francis, are trying to reconnect the church and unions.

While actor Mark Wahlberg was in Chicago for an event with young adult Catholics last weekend, he jokingly said he should ask God’s forgiveness for playing pornographer Dirk Diggler in the movie “Boogie Nights.”

Stay on top of justice news with NCR’s latest “Justice Action Bulletin.”



It’s “Shark Week” at the Daily Theology blog, with a week’s worth of reflections on faith and racial injustice, such as this one on author Ta-Nehisi Coates and hope and another on “Why I got off Facebook after Charlottesville.”

Two suburban Catholic high schools cancelled football games at a school in a crime-ridden neighborhood in Chicago. This Chicago Tribune editorial quotes St. Francis of Assisi in urging schools to get past their fear and do the right thing.

As the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation approaches, a Catholic and Protestant theologian debate whether the Reformation was a mistake or not. Also, NCR columnist Bill Tammeus reviews a book on what Protestantism offers to the Global South.

The unprecedented rebuke of Cardinal Sarah by Pope Francis sends a broader message that insubordination will not be tolerated at the curia any longer, says Michael Sean Winters.

Remembering five Adorers of the Blood of Christ sisters killed in the Liberian civil war 25 years ago.

ICYMI: Last Friday’s NCR in Conversation podcast featured a discussion about gender, sexuality and the church with NCR books editor Jamie Manson, feminist theologian Mary Hunt, and Dignity USA executive director Marianne Duddy-Burke.



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