
Eritrean Catholic bishops angry over government's latest school seizures

Argentine bishops' pastoral team rebukes president on country's origins

What Catholic bishops are actually saying about denying Communion to politicians

Links: Polarization today; repression in Russia; biggest threat to Biden's agenda

Dr. Francis Collins: Vatican's COVID-19 vaccine push 'extremely helpful'

Priests' group objects to 'camouflaged' use of Eucharist as a weapon

Nicaragua stages unprecedented roundup of opposition leaders

Pope and Canadian Indigenous: 'Sorry' must fit the level of suffering

Pope demands food aid reach starving people of Tigray

Mission leader expresses concern about future of Catholic presence in Afghanistan

Kings Bay Plowshares activists keep focus on continuing witness for peace

Can the US bishops grasp Pope Francis' ecclesial vision?

NCR, EarthBeat, Global Sisters Report receive 32 Catholic media awards

Philippine bishops welcome halt to mega-dam construction project

Cardinal Marx surprised by pope's decision to not accept his resignation

Vatican orders term limits for leaders of lay movements

Francis names South Korean bishop as new head of Vatican's clergy office

Caritas tells G7 leaders debt relief is key to global COVID-19 recovery

Canadian bishops: Indigenous delegation to meet with pope by end of 2021

The abuse crisis and the elusive horizon of a repenting church
