
After Amazonians migrate to cities, they struggle to survive

'After all, they are our brothers and sisters'

Editorial: The politics of division stripped of any disguise

Pope names British-Italian staffer as new director of Vatican press office

Peruvian cardinal defends Amazon synod agenda after attacks by Müller, Brandmüller

Money trail tells the tale of EWTN's direction

Links for 7/18/19

Peacemaker parishioners stay faithful to their mission in Minneapolis

Justice Stevens changed death penalty views during three decades on court

Philippine bishops call for 'ecological conversion' amid climate crisis

Young people's activism is sign of hope for Earth, says Cardinal Turkson

Struggles of families uprooted by Belo Monte reveal the dam's dark side

Parish roundup: Outreach to the addicted; foster families; sanctuary

EWTN: connected to conservative Catholic money, anti-Francis elements

Bullet in author's back teaches him forgiveness

Appeals court says Title X rule can take effect while suits proceed

Vatican City State set to end sale of single-use plastics

Administration to apply 'third country' rule for asylum-seekers

African churches work to counter pressures on Congo River basin

Brownback wants 'like-mindeds' at religious freedom summit; violators need not RSVP
