
Consolata priest helps Colombians find forgiveness after long war

Pope Francis' blunt critique of capitalism praised as needed warning

Sexual abuse victims want to be heard by church hierarchy, Jesuit says

Bishop Murry, 'cancer-free,' details action against abuse in Ohio diocese

Republicans highlight Trump administration's possible transgressions

Being 'doer of the word' means rejecting hypocrisy, cover-up

Attorney General asks Nebraska dioceses for sex abuse records

Every Catholic, lay and clergy, is called to confront evil of abuse

Francis, the comic strip

Links for 9/6/18

Viganò's role in Nienstedt case scrutinized anew with bishop's statement

The Center lends help in heart of Hollywood

Church urges Colombian government to protect local leaders under threat

Washington priests talk about keeping faith in wake of abuse scandals

At hearing, Kavanaugh highlights his Catholic Charities' volunteer work

With Voting Rights Act weakened, black church networks seek more voters

Cardinal Bo slams Myanmar military for brutality in Kachin

Laity must have role in fighting clericalism, Vatican official says

Problems related to sex abuse keep growing for U.S. dioceses

Parish roundup: Addressing the abuse crisis, while church's work goes on
