
Despite peace accords, Colombian victims say indignities continue

Irish priests call for diaconate pause

Work against fear, hatred, pope tells South Korean religious leaders

Remember the worker, thank labor

With robots on the way, human labor challenged to keep its place

Bishops' annual Labor Day statement scores 'excessive inequality'

Cardinal Murphy-O'Connor, ecumenical leader, dies at 85

NCR Podcast: Vatican visits Russia; U.S. budget; Hurricane Harvey

Illinois sees hope for education, good governance

Editorial: Retain abuse survivors or risk irrelevancy

Campus Notebook: Taking 'Notre Dame Trail'; defending DACA

Fr. Don McNeill inspired students to care about social justice

Face to faith with Chicago Cardinal Blase Cupich

Addictions flourish when people are left to manage pain

After Arpaio's pardon, bishops ask for compassion for undocumented immigrants

Filipinos form coalition against Duterte's 'autocratic rule'

Kansas nun shares memories of her brother who is on path to sainthood

Links for 08/31/17

Solidarity and support for farm workers follow death of young laborer

Nigerian clergy demand compensation for churches destroyed by Boko Haram
