
Pope: Prayer is a humble dialogue, not a magic wand

With new synodal process, Francis creates an insurance policy for reforms

Can the US church manage the synodal path?

Pope Francis launches program to put Laudato Si' into action throughout church

Synod process must begin 'from bottom up,' pope tells bishops

Pope orders minor seminary to move out of Vatican

Incoming Bishop Stephen Chow says he feels the pressure of leading Hong Kong diocese

Pope: Vatican media must be creative, take risks, fulfill purpose

Pope: Say 'yes' to the Holy Spirit, 'no' to divisive ideologies

Vatican employees criticize pay cuts by Pope Francis as 'anti-meritocratic and disincentivizing'

Francis widens scope of next synod: Diocesan, continental phases before Vatican event

Francis, US bishops and defending Communion from political manipulation

No 'smoking gun' yet in Pius XII archives, researchers say

Pope: Perseverance is necessary for prayer

Revised canon law on crimes, penalties almost ready for publication

World Youth Day guidelines emphasize importance of diocesan celebrations

Francis' new ministry of catechist may help shrink the clergy-laity gap

Inside the campaign to divest the Catholic Church from fossil fuels

Hong Kong's new bishop wants differing views respected

Pope names Jesuit educator bishop of Hong Kong
