
Is the Francis pontificate in crisis? A response to Faggioli

Pope says living faith without sacraments, community is dangerous

Pope creates coronavirus commission to respond to pandemic

Pope prays for elderly fearful of dying alone

At Mass, pope prays for unity, fidelity in difficult time

A tale of two Pope Francises

Pope says pandemic recovery involves choice between money or common good

Pandemic is time to consider 'universal basic wage,' pope says

Pope calls for a 'contagion' of Easter hope, peace, care for poor

Pope leads Way of the Cross in empty, torch-lit St. Peter's Square

Several members of new Vatican commission appear opposed to women deacons

On the cross, God's loving nature is revealed, pope says

Francis creates new women deacons commission, naming entirely different membership

Francis envisions a post-pandemic church 'not closed off in institutions'

People are born to serve God, others, not profit from power, pope says

After overturning of Pell's conviction, Francis prays for those suffering 'unjust sentences'

Francis, the comic strip

The fierce urgency of Earth Day

Pope on Palm Sunday: Life, measured by love, is meant to serve others

Pope's favorability ratings move up from their 2018 low
