
Hospitality is an important ecumenical virtue, pope says

Legion vows probe into cover-up of abused little girls

Pope urges bishops to teach discernment, including on political issues

Pope decries 'barbaric resurgence' of anti-Semitism

Women need to be the church's new anti-pope

Protect your health, physically and spiritually, pope says

Pope's quotes: Give thanks

Pope speaks to U.S. bishops about pro-life issues, transgender ideology

Francis finishes work on Amazon synod text, publication expected within weeks

Open source: Vatican wartime archives ready for new batch of scholars

God's word can never be 'enchained,' pope says at audience

Francis appoints first woman to managerial role at Vatican's Secretariat of State

Two men in white: Book saga shows need to rethink norms for retired popes

The myth of the self-regulating institution of 'pope emeritus'

Benedict removes name from book on celibacy after dispute over his involvement

Francis, the comic strip

Baptism is first step on path of humility, pope says

In surprise, Benedict openly defends clerical celibacy as Francis considers married priests

Love is never indifferent to other's suffering, pope says

Pope's quotes: Problems of life
