
Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time: No one answer

Sarah Posner's 'Unholy' implicates Catholics as well as evangelicals

Staring down climate despair through kinship

Shea explains how politics, culture distort our understanding of Catholicism

What would Jesus wear to celebrate Mass at the end of the world?

I need to forgive Donald Trump

Your thoughts on invalid formula for baptisms

Francis, the comic strip

Links for 10/15/20

Trump's coronavirus response a case study in toxic masculinity

Amy Coney Barrett is not a feminist icon — she is not a feminist at all

Down-ballot races are just as important for common good as presidential race

Bishop McElroy: US Catholics, politically homeless, face hard choices

Links for 10/13/20

Hyperfocus on abortion issue obscures call of common good

Francis, the comic strip

Pope John Paul II was an ally for Haitians: Francis should be, too

Barrett's theology may be out of bounds, but not her judicial philosophy

Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time: A banquet of love

New book examines clergy sexual abuse — in the wide lens of history
