
A House Built on Rock

What's the path to true dialogue about gender in the church?

Pray for Peace in the Middle East

In the holiness of beauty, a glimpse of God shines through

The Narrow Gate

A child's prayer and John the Baptist

John Is His Name

Opening ourselves to the mystery

We Are One Body and Blood

Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ: Living in memory of him

Pope: Theology begins with sincere dialogue, not 'conquering spirit'

New generation emerges at CTSA convention, as theologians play long game

Walking with the marginalized

Where Is Your Treasure?

Made in the image of God, we're called to be people who love

How to hold a canopy

Transaction or Encounter?

Ships passing in the night?

The 11th step: What we say, and how we say it, defines us

Come Away to Your Secret Place
