
Black and brown bodies among us in the body of Christ

Our deepest conversion has to be away from violence

Protestant or Catholic, we're theological and biblical illiterates

Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Produce fruit

NCR Podcast: Deepening spirituality through yoga and the internet

Catholics and Protestants: We've come a long way, baby

October may be full of darkness, but it holds a Christian message

Season of Creation 2017: Each being glorifies God

Bishops, theologians gather to consider US implementation of 'Amoris Laetitia'

Ask God for courage to follow him to the cross, pope says

'Offer it up,' tee off, but don't tell anybody

Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Kriya Yoga Conference to blend Catholic, Eastern spirituality

The image of God

Social justice demands time, but so does self-care

American flags don't belong in church sanctuaries

Try to follow God's ways, not our ways

The Spirit is at work in other religions

Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
