
In election year, climate faith leaders urge voters to make environment a priority

Youth climate leader: Timor-Leste stands with Pope Francis on integral ecology

As wildfires rage in Bolivia, bishops warn of lasting damage to 'Mother Earth'

Clothing 'zombie' of NY Fashion Week puts throwaway culture on full display

Sisters of the Earth Community focuses on 'largest pro-life issue' — the Earth

Flash flooding temporarily closes Lourdes' grotto

Praying With Creation: What's in motion in nature around you?

Renewable energy boosts Catholic sisters' sustainability in Zimbabwe

A new story opens us to transformation in faith

The Eucharist can recommit the faithful to care of creation, say bishops

A different kind of season, full of surprises

Soaring temps a sign the planet is sick — are we listening? Pope Francis asks

Praying With Creation: Come on a nature therapy walk (wherever you are)

Faith, business, agricultural leaders discuss ways to respond to 'cry' of Earth, the poor

The Bible reveals why humans feel spiritually at home in nature

Q&A with Sr. Terri Schell, sharing a Catholic approach to ecology and faith

In Samoa, UN chief says low-lying island nations face 'annihilation' by climate chaos

The refugees who helped save a Baltimore parish are now planting seeds for its future

Parishes respond with prayer, outreach amid historic Northeast floods

Pope discusses climate change with Jeff Bezos
