
Faith and a forest preschool help our family care for creation

Puerto Rico parish aims to be climate resilience hub to respond to extreme storms

Prayers, power grid repairs follow Ernesto hitting Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands

Inner-city congregations face tricky urban dilemma over bike lane parking permits

In life, Black Elk prayed with creation. After death, creation prayed with him for us.

Faith leaders meet at White House for climate goals

Indigenous-led Amazon Frontlines to receive 2024 Hilton Humanitarian Prize

I prayed 'lectio divina' with a pine cone

From throwing soup to suing governments, there’s strategy to climate activism’s seeming chaos − here’s where it’s headed next

Will congestion pricing advance urban sustainability or geographic disparities?

In university summer program, students do hands-on research, learn faith and science not at odds

Jim Jordan's attack on Catholic groups' ethical investing

House committee accuses socially responsible investor groups of breaking antitrust law

Beware of false prophets

PETA protesters interrupt Pope Francis' Vatican audience, call on him to denounce bullfighting

Sen. Tim Kaine on the spirituality of walking, cycling, paddling

India continues search for missing Kerala landslide victims

Long Island's 'Elderberries' embrace new cosmology as key to Earth's healing

The religion of opposing government climate action

Interfaith activists arrested protesting Citigroup's fossil fuel investments
