
At 10-year mark, Pope Francis seen as a global leader on the environment

Oceans are gift from God, must be used fairly and sustainably, pope says

Joking about climate change isn't funny anymore

After the shock of winter, an instinct to survive

Diocese and bank in Kenya partner to restore forests, mitigate and adapt to climate change

Could churches be prime locations for EV charging stations? One company thinks so.

Indigenous groups, supporters resist planned dam in the Philippines' Sierra Madre

In Vermont parishes I rediscovered the power of Moses' horns and an ox's sacrifice

Laudato Si' Movement leader to step down from global Catholic environmental network

In new book, Christian climate activist challenges church to take action

Oceania bishops' assembly spotlights climate crisis

Finding spirituality on Earth's 'most secular' continent

In Ohio, Catholics fear environmental aftermath of train derailment's toxic spill

Science institute partners with Vatican on guide to protect 'our living planet'

To reach critical audiences, we need more faith-based climate news

Two guides issued at COP15 help faith groups regrow forests, restore environment

World must work with Indigenous people to fight climate change, pope says

Biden's oil comments drew laughs, but our children's future is no joke

Lula brings new environmental hope to Catholics in Brazil, but challenges remain

Brazilian church provides aid to the Yanomami, calls for justice after 'genocide'
