
Slow Down and Enjoy Your Meal

May or June: When's the anniversary of Pope Francis' encyclical Laudato Si'?

Pondering the Golden Rule

What we need is an 'integral economy'

Fall in Love with Creation

Francis issues 'urgent call' with plans for fifth anniversary of Laudato Si'

Our Daily Bread

Church's social justice teachings inspire young climate activist

Who am I to reign over the natural world?

We Cannot Save the Planet Without Changing How We Eat

EarthBeat Weekly: Catholic climate group training local leaders

The Pleasures of Eating

How can I go green this Lent?

Mercy sisters cook up recipes for a less-meat Lent (and not just on Fridays)

Tilling the Earth

Fasting from Food Waste

Humus, Humans and Humility

East Africa fears prolonged locust invasion as eggs hatch from first wave

Brazilian church commission examines mining's impact on local communities

University of Notre Dame converts tons of dining hall leftovers into energy
