NCR Voices

Happy are those who are willing to be persecuted themselves for justice

Links: Yo-Yo Ma honors Ukraine; evangelical churches and Latinos; the state of higher ed

Why young adults of Generation Z give me real hope

The West's moral calculi become more fraught as genocide looms and oil prices rise

Links: Paranoid politics at LifeSiteNews; Ukraine's debt; Trump exposed too late

What two years of COVID-19 have taught us about the abuse of conscience

Biden's State of the Union needed some Catholic social doctrine

Links: Looming humanitarian crisis in Ukraine; State of the Union reactions; elections in Texas

Tips to get news junkies through a distracting Lent

Some conservative Catholics' apologies for Putin reveal fascist sympathies

Anger and confusion in Arizona

Links: The Supreme Court nominee; partisan redistricting; unionizing at Seattle U

Warning to bishops: Please make sure the Eucharistic Congress isn't a very expensive boondoggle

New York Encounter explores 'urge for the truth'

Russian invasion of Ukraine raises moral questions about how to achieve peace

Links: Neoliberal economics; working-class faculty; the dud Winter Olympics

An Olympic lesson from Tokyo and Beijing: Less hoopla and a return to basics

Buckle up for a scary ride, as CPAC comes to Orlando this week

I forgive Pope Benedict. I hope others can too.

Links: Pachamama and COVID, Wisconsin Republicans, and the Ottawa convoy
