Guest Voices

From the Industrial Revolution to the Digital, what guides us on 'new things'?

Why Catholic bishops need a year of abstinence on preaching about sexuality

A response to the Vatican document 'Male and Female He Created Them'

How much corruption can we tolerate in the church before we leave?

Catholic bishops finally tackle the sex abuse cover-up. Now comes the hard part

Hierarchy and theology alike are caught up in Catholic disruption

International courtesy the goal of papal flight press conference procedure

Francis' draft of curial reform fundamentally reimagines Vatican's role

The Dream and Promise Act could change everything for undocumented people like me

The hierarchical spirit that will not die

The purgatory of the sex abuse crisis

Mueller's statement and the injustice that won't go away

New papal sex abuse policy will help restore trust

Action by Kings Bay Plowshares 7 puts Religious Freedom Restoration Act to the test

Trump's emerging Catholic problem

Abolishing the priesthood will not save the Catholic Church

The wounded body of Christ: a response to Carroll's critics

Equality Act vote again pits Catholic nuns against bishops

A fight over 'So help me God'? God help us

Will Catholic voters make Joe Biden the next president?
