Guest Voices

A Catholic trifecta of disgrace: Next step in abuse saga is due

Dolores Leckey bridged the laity-hierarchy gap

It is vital to invest in the future of clean energy for all

'America First' agenda a disgrace to Jesus-first discipleship

Jill Ker Conway pioneered opportunities for women's education

Are women 'substantially' incompatible for the priesthood?

The lie of suicide, and the abundant love of God

Lessons to learn from the Supreme Court cake baker case

The ball is in Pope Francis' court over the culture of cover-up

Canonization is right for Óscar Romero, a true Christian martyr

Overwriting tradition: 'Humanae Vitae' replaced real church teaching

The end of the affair? 'Humanae Vitae' at 50

Vatican's financial critique failed to address structural flaws, systemic rewards

Vatican's considerations on economic system call us to shape a new one

My friend Dan Berrigan: another Daniel in the lions' den

New biography of Jesuit Fr. Daniel Berrigan outlines his activism, exile

As Supreme Court considers Trump's travel ban, remember pope's words

Water unites us, so make it available to all

Divestment from fossil fuels is a witness to our faith

At disgraced Cardinal O'Brien's funeral Mass, Cardinal Nichols urges prayer
