
Youth climate activists want an official seat at the table in Biden's White House

Archbishop welcomes Biden executive orders on environmental protection

Yanomami leader brings 'ancestral wisdom' to Brazilian Academy of Sciences

Faith groups applaud Biden's 'bold' executive actions on climate, environmental justice

Day 1's executive actions signal Biden climate position

Network connects indigenous knowledges in the Arctic and U.S. southwest

We're approaching critical climate tipping points: Q&A with Tim Lenton

Meet the 20-somethings advising the UN chief on how to save Planet Earth

New climate pledges fall short of urgent need, faith leaders say

Pacific Climate Warriors win Pax Christi peace prize

Women are still not heard in the climate policy conversation

UN secretary general: Without the US in the Paris Agreement, humanity faces climate 'suicide'

Elderly Indian Jesuit says training, work help him cope in jail

A better future: U.S. young adults join peers brainstorming on economy

EU Catholic leaders urge tougher policies to protect Arctic

Hurricane Eta deluges Central America, Mexico, leaving scores dead, thousands homeless

President-elect Biden pledges to push climate agenda despite legislative obstacles

Climate crisis, COVID-19 demand interfaith action, say religious leaders

Global climate action at stake in US election, faith activists say

Sharon Lavigne's fighting faith on the bayou
