
Pope Francis launches academic program for 'ecological conversion'

Pope Francis joins world faith leaders in urgent climate appeal ahead of COP26

Manila is sinking, and Catholics must take environment seriously, bishops say

Pope Francis, other faith leaders to present joint appeal to COP26 climate summit

Time is now to create culture of care for each other, planet, pope tells young climate activists

UK faith leaders issue common declaration ahead of COP26

For Iowa Catholic business leader, faith is powerful motivation for climate action

Catholic mapmaker Burhans wins international environmental award

New bishop in Philippines pledges an environment-focused ministry

More than 200 people were killed last year for defending their land, environment

Choose life by choosing to care for creation, Pope Francis and other Christian leaders say

Hurricane Ida badly damages home of Goldman Prize winner Sharon Lavigne, others in Louisiana's Cancer Alley

Follow youth toward environmental sustainability, Pope Francis says

Notre Dame's Sakimoto: Church has 'profound' role in addressing climate crisis

Global Catholic climate group rebrands as Laudato Si' Movement

German bishop: Floods' mental health toll might be worse than property damage

To feed the world, start with family farms, pope says

Brazilian cardinal calls for action on Amazon synod recommendations

Rich nations 'must consign coal power to history,' says UK COP26 president

Cardinal Cupich: Laudato Si' calls us to economic and spiritual conversion
