Francis, the comic strip

Pope encourages young people to be the critical conscience of society

Francis, the comic strip

St. Joseph reminds church to pay attention to the essential, pope says

Francis, the comic strip

Pope: Don't judge the poor, often victims of injustice

Assisi pilgrimage with the poor: Pope calls for open hands, open hearts

Francis, the comic strip

Trust Christ's presence, learn to invoke the Holy Spirit, pope says

Francis, the comic strip

Pope's World Day of the Poor includes listening, helping

World needs people who are passionate about caring for others, pope says

Mature Christians trust God, serve others even in tough times, pope says

Accompany, pray for people experiencing depression, burnout, pope says

Look in the mirror before correcting others' mistakes, pope says

Tombs of fallen soldiers are cry for peace, pope says on All Souls' feast

Francis, the comic strip

Pope prays for Haitian people, flood victims in Vietnam, Sicily

Francis, the comic strip

Faith cannot be reduced to suffocating 'bureaucracy,' pope says

Church's social teaching needed to combat greed, injustice, pope says
