Francis, the comic strip

Protect human dignity from high-tech threats, pope tells Catholic lawmakers

Francis, the comic strip

Hypocrisy in the church is 'detestable,' pope says at audience

Pope encourages people to rediscover importance of Sunday liturgy

Francis, the comic strip

Seek God through a relationship with Christ, others, pope says at Angelus

Francis, the comic strip

God's law meant to bring freedom, not lifelong 'servitude,' pope says

Francis, the comic strip

Mary shows humility, service are 'secrets' to heaven, pope says

Francis, the comic strip

Heaven can wait, maybe, but not a phone call for the pope

Jesus is life-giving bread, not just 'side dish,' pope says

Francis, the comic strip

Francis, the comic strip

Only Jesus reveals true Gospel, pope says at first audience after surgery

Crises are signs that church is still alive, pope says

Francis, the comic strip

At Angelus, pope warns against using God, others for selfish aims

Elderly are to be valued, not discarded, pope says
