Francis, the comic strip

Pope: One act of pure love is greatest miracle Christians can perform

Francis, the comic strip

At rosary, pope prays resources move from military to pandemic prevention

Francis, the comic strip

Pope: Christian meditation is path to meeting Christ

Pray, be poor, be close to the people, pope tells new priests

Pope celebrates name day at Vatican vaccination clinic

Francis, the comic strip

Pope: Prayers said aloud lead the way to God

Francis, the comic strip

Saying he missed people, pope returns to window for Sunday prayer

Pope calls on Russia and Ukraine to seek reconciliation

Pope Francis criticizes 'paternalism' of populist politicians

As pandemic worsens in Brazil, pope tells bishops to be one with people

Francis, the comic strip

Pope: Prayer is essential to church reform

Francis, the comic strip

Pope calls all Catholics to be missionaries of God's mercy

Francis, the comic strip

Pope to young people: The Lord is always waiting for you
