Francis, the comic strip

Lack of progress fighting hunger is shameful, pope says

Francis, the comic strip

Religions that do not pursue peace are a contradiction, pope says

Devil destroys overtly or slyly by pretending to be a friend, pope says

Pope's quotes: Protection of our common home

Francis, the comic strip

Contempt for life is the source of all evil, pope says

Francis, the comic strip

Mary is a mother to sinners, not the corrupt, pope says

Pope's quotes: Respectful of creation

Francis, the comic strip

Guardian angels are life's traveling companions, pope says

Francis, the comic strip

God works freely through whomever he wants, pope says

Love can make darkness of euthanasia disappear, pope says

Reach out to unmarried couples, support newlyweds, pope urges

Pope's quotes: 'God is greater than our sin'

Francis, the comic strip

God's love in charity exists even in most secularized places, pope says

Francis, the comic strip
