Would all of these reforms at the Vatican and the capitals of so many countries be happening now in the 21st century if Carter hadn't had the faith and found the courage to fight corruption?
Pope Francis recently gave a new mandate to the Pontifical Academy of Theology. Interestingly, it reflects the contributions of Fr. Bénézet Bujo, a pioneering African theologian who died Nov. 9.
With the passing of Richard Gaillardetz Nov. 7, the U.S. Catholic Church has lost a passionate witness of faith. A theologian with an impressive corpus of writing, Rick also loved the church deeply and was a mentor to many.
Robert S. Bennett was known as one of Washington's most important lawyers. He also was an influential Catholic who lent credibility to the U.S. bishops' efforts to fight clergy abuse and supported charitable causes.
By the time people were finally ready to listen to Sinéad O'Connor's message, the world's cruelty had run her down. Kaya Oakes calls for listening to other wounded women who are demanding justice in our broken world.
Daniel Ellsberg will be remembered as the father of all whistleblowers, but to fellow peace activist Fr. John Dear, he was a holy prophet, calling all Americans to repent of the mortal sin of war and nuclear preparations.
The co-founder of a ministry to abuse survivors recalls a friend who struggled with depression but never lost his faith. Luis A. Torres Jr. died March 30 at the age of 58.
Teresia Mbari Hinga, who died March 31, was a theologian and a human being who embodied Spirit-centered paradoxes and called the academy, church and world to take seriously the transformative power of conversion.