
Links for 8/13/20

5 faith facts about Biden’s VP choice Kamala Harris — a Black Baptist with Hindu family

Executive actions seen providing minimal boost to economy hit hard by COVID-19

Seminaries prepare to reopen, train priests for ministry amid COVID-19

Disagreeing without being disagreeable

Fr. Jeremy Leatherby and the politico-theological complex

Bolivian bishops to protesters: Stop using pandemic for political purposes

Nigerian bishops: 'The killings must stop'

'Poor People's Campaign' eyes low-income voters in 13 states

Pope baptizes twins after successful surgery to separate them

Controversial Junípero Serra supported by some Indigenous Catholics, California mission workers

Catholic discourse on Black Lives Matter must amplify women founders

Editorial: It's past time for Vatican report on McCarrick's shameful rise

Links for 8/11/20

Salvadoran bishops demand justice after seminary rector is fatally shot

Pedro Casaldáliga, 'bishop of the poor,' dies in Brazil at 92

Suspended priest excommunicated for still saying Mass, teaching against pope

Iowa Catholics pray at meat-packing plant for workers who died of COVID-19

Women priests are possible, says new Vatican finance council member

Catholic colleges face financial strain, campus life changes for fall semester
