
Cupich to pilgrims: Keep Mary in mind when facing life's fears

Pope names theology professor to succeed cardinal in Lima

Francis laments 'senseless and irresponsible condemnation' of migrants

The church needs Vatican III

CLINIC, other groups join in lawsuit over detention of immigrant youth

Francis encourages juvenile detainees in Panama to embrace possibility of change

Panama mosque offers free water to World Youth Day pilgrims

Notre Dame to cover historic Columbus murals; images seen as 'demeaning'

I got a glimpse of the future of women deacons, and it's troubling

National unity is a reason Joe Biden could run for president again

Church historian says sex abuse poses biggest threat to church in 500 years

Keep God's love alive, pope tells young people at World Youth Day

Freedom of Religion Act seeks to ban immigration discrimination

After Dusit attack, Kenya's clergy urge all faiths to account for their youths

High court takes no action on appeal of injunction on plans to end DACA

Francis tells Central American bishops to emulate Romero

Bishops address abuse scandal with U.S. pilgrims at World Youth Day

Bishop Smith, who headed the Diocese of Trenton 1997 to 2010, dies at 83

Links for 1/24/19

Cardinal Turkson stresses refugees' God-given dignity in Rockhurst talk
