
Zimbabwe's church leaders discuss how to respond to military takeover

US bishops, as a group, still resist Pope Francis' pastoral impulse

Parish roundup: Weapons in the worship space; sanctuary status; follow the money

Update: US Supreme Court clears way to extradite Salvadoran colonel who ordered Jesuits' death

Europe's church creatively rethinks as numbers plummet

Brian Doyle: Catching stories that change lives

Panama archbishop: World Youth Day will invite youth of other faiths

Justice Action Bulletin: SOA Watch at the border; ROTC protests

Bishops voice support of migrants, worries over 'poisoning rhetoric'

Persecuted Christians at risk of being forgotten, bishop says

Links for 11/14/17

Catholic Church sometimes has been part of racism problem, says bishop

Young people want to be heard, be part of leadership, report says

Protesters at bishops' gathering ask for sanctuary, anti-war stance

Vasquez: 'Share the Journey' migration campaign a call to prayer, action

Catholic bishops take on racism in society and the church

Civility must guide debate on social challenges, USCCB president says

Nuncio: Bishops must focus on youth, evangelization, Jesus

Cardinal praises USCCB for century of working for 'a more just society'

Bishops urge Congress to allocate funds for U.N. climate change agency
