
What are sacred forests?

Sisters train to advocate for Malawi's displaced cyclone survivors

Cardinal McElroy: Catholic universities should lead on climate change action

US climate envoy John Kerry, who called pope a 'moral authority' on climate, to step down

Passionist provinces turn to solar energy to power ministry and care for creation

Devotions on creation from Kat Armas: 'The Mountains Groan'

In first for US church, San Diego Diocese divests from fossil fuels

Native Hawaiian salt makers combat climate change and pollution to protect a sacred tradition

Gluttony turns people into mere consumers, exploiters of planet, pope says

'Eco-park' in Bangladesh threatens Indigenous forest lands and livelihoods

Devotions on creation from Kat Armas: 'The Creatures Teach Us'

Nevada tribe says coalitions, not lawsuits, will protect sacred sites as US advances energy agenda

Make a resolution for the climate, for the sanctity of life

For years, an oil drill site stood in a South LA neighborhood. Now a park may rise in its place.

Toward a new heaven, earth and humanity through the Eucharist

Devotions on creation from Kat Armas: 'Sacred Belonging'

Pope Francis, 'Laudate Deum,' Catholic sisters: EarthBeat's top stories of 2023

A volcano in Hawaii is sacred to spiritual practitioners and treasured by astronomers

Experts weigh harmful impacts of green transition

Nairobi Archdiocese launches a dairy factory to boost food security
