
Dartmouth physicist, known for doubting skeptics, wins 2019 Templeton Prize

Faith activists urge UN Environment Assembly to address human side of climate change

Priest contests charges related to efforts to help Amazon's landless

Pope: World in need of 'ecological conversion' to advance sustainability

Serious climate message underlies exuberant student strikes in Ireland

Pope sends blessing but no vegan promises to 12-year-old activist

Faith community joins Florida congressman in opposing offshore drilling

Eyeing Amazon synod, Brazil accuses church of 'leftist agenda'

Books explore Merton the writer, Religion 101 and Antarctic ice

Environmentalist priest in Peru says little has changed since pope's visit

Spirituality for making the Green New Deal a reality

Put down the pizza, Francis: 12-year-old girl challenges pope to go vegan this Lent

Catholic Workers charged with damaging Minnesota pipeline in climate protest

Brazilian church officials: Dam break will affect area for years

Carbon Dividend Act gets support from head of bishops' justice office

Myanmar cardinal says China-funded dam project must be stopped

To work toward a just society, we need a Green New Deal

Indonesian archbishop urges Catholics to ditch use of plastic bags

Deacon: From wildfires come acts of kindness for those trying to recover

An interfaith group finds willing partners to restore a shared watershed
