Francis, the comic strip

Pope: Festivities become a facade when Christ is left out of Christmas

Francis, the comic strip

Pope's quotes: Failure to notice

Pope: Redeemed Christians are joyful, don't have 'funeral wake' faces

Francis, the comic strip

Get to Mass early; don't calculate how late you can be, pope says

Press must be factual, free from manipulation, pope says

Francis, the comic strip

As pope turns 81, kids entertain with song, dance and 13-foot pizza

Pope: Coldest hearts can be warmed by Christmas cheer

Pope's quotes: Morality

God's greatness can be found in the little things, pope says

Francis, the comic strip

Sunday has lost its sense as day of rest, renewal in Christ, pope says

Pope: Guadalupe feast shows Mary's closeness to those on margins

Francis, the comic strip

Pope: Let go of grudges, stop whining, find joy with Jesus

God does not lead us into temptation, Satan does, pope says

Pope asks Mary's help in fighting viruses of fear, indifference

Pope's quotes: Stay dedicated
