Francis, the comic strip

Couples need help forming, following their consciences, pope says

Pope sends letter to blind Colombian veteran he met

Mass and lunch: Pope to lead celebration of World Day of the Poor

Pope's quotes: Make me clean

Francis, the comic strip

Stop taking smartphone snapshots during Mass, pope says

Francis, the comic strip

Authority comes from good example, not having the best title, pope says

Jesus shows that death is not the last word, pope says

Pope's quotes: What is a 'good Catholic'?

War brings only death, cruelty, pope says at U.S. military cemetery

Francis, the comic strip

Through example, saints shine God's light in darkness, pope says

Francis, the comic strip

Need for power and money is path of clericalism, pope says

Pope takes questions from children in hurricane-hit Texas, Puerto Rico

Pope's quotes: Refugees fleeing

Communion, not competition, is key to job growth, pope says

Francis, the comic strip

Holy Call: Pope Francis phoning space station Thursday
