Francis, the comic strip

Nativity scene, Christmas tree are visible signs of God's compassion

Francis, the comic strip

Bangladesh, Myanmar youths are a sign of hope for Asia, pope says

Humility not about being polite, but accepting humiliation, pope says

Francis, the comic strip

Pope's quotes: Harmonize conflicts

Francis, the comic strip

Francis, the comic strip

Pope's quotes: Full unity

Francis, the comic strip

At Mass, Jesus seeks to bring others with him to salvation, pope says

Cultural colonization blasphemes God by trying to alter his creation

Francis, the comic strip

Inequality in health care is sign of society's 'sickness,' pope says

'All of us are God's children,' pope says in video message to Myanmar

Pope's quotes: Sign of hope

Spirit of communion needed in church, world, pope tells priests

Francis, the comic strip

Mass is a time of silence and prayer, not idle chitchat, pope says

Francis, the comic strip
