
Long-awaited Joan Chittister tour excites Australian Catholic reformers

Irish bill to help adoptees find birth information falls short, critics say

Panel: Gun violence is pro-life issue that sensible gun laws must address

To protect the Earth and its people, religious orders invest in climate solutions

Pope Francis praises Sr. Carol Keehan, Obamacare ally, for her 'generous service'

Volunteers remove trees to restore San Antonio's only nature sanctuary

New Ways' Sr. Jeannine Gramick sees a future for same-sex marriage in Catholic Church

Pope appoints key posts, including nun in development office

Editorial: Thanks to Network for 50 years of lobbying for the common good

At Earth Day checkpoint, Vatican's bold Laudato Si' initiative plants seeds of sustainability in the church

Religious leaders join Indigenous in Brazilian land protest

Vatican official speaks to event hosted by LGBT outreach group New Ways Ministry

Government to lift health measure that blocks entrance of asylum-seekers

As the Amazon loses resilience, church and popular movements strive to intervene

Activist shareholders raise alarm about climate change in corporate filings

Finding God in the art and work of Corita Kent

Has study of women's history neglected the role of religious sisters?

Irish plan to exhume remains at religious-run children's homes draws criticism

Church needs women saints, pope tells conference

International Women's Day isn't just about serving women — it's about women serving
