
Nothing really changed after Vatican II. But synodality may make a difference.

It's not the light we're missing; it's the focus

When a female lens is added to the equation, something new can happen

This Lent: 'Being is what we become when doing is done'

The magnet of the age vs. the foundation of the age

That we all may be ... what? 'E pluribus unum' is hard to find today

Behold I am doing something new ... maybe

The 'Marian principle' and ministry — an Advent reflection

The leadership we wanted and the leadership we got

About prayers and principles, and the politicians we elect

Will laity be granted voice at next October's synod?

For Jesus, home was a journey

Clinton Global Initiative event renews hope for encounter and action

Will religious life rise again — and should it?

Love is the essence of religious community life

What the US needs most right now, what we lack, is community

Wise abortion public policy should deal with realities as well as moralities

Me? Be a sister? You're not serious.

Recording people's lives with an eye toward their souls

'I thought of religious life, but feared I wouldn't make it'
