
A contemporary Sikh 'saint' may offer insights into overcoming polarization

As Francis visits Slovakia, international crowd celebrates Czech woman priest

The Beatitudes revisited: a template of the good life

A paradigm-shifting lectionary for the whole church

Masks, vaccines and rights in the land of freedom and liberty

Women believers changed the Roman Empire — now we must change the Roman Church

Benedictine options: an escape or an experience of essence

White Catholics must lead the way to end white supremacy

There's a revolution needed. Join it.

Acedia can trap us, but the Advocate-Spirit renews us

Liz Cheney challenges us: With whom shall we stand?

Synods will make the difference

We must restore the powerful witness of women leaders to the Catholic lectionary

COVID-19 and Holy Week stretch us again, for the better

Honor the 'mothers' of early Christianity during Women's History Month

Space, time, change, reflection: Lent as it should be

'Scholomance' fantasy novel touches on power of evil — and of grace

The heart of our country must be considered when rebuilding our economy

It takes courage to go on facing the winds

How should Christ-believers counter insurrectionist cults?
