Diane Scharper

Diane Scharper is the author of Radiant Prayer Poems and other books. She teaches memoir and poetry for the Johns Hopkins University Osher Program.

By this Author

How do you know when you are 'Reading Culture Through Catholic Eyes'?

'Christ haunted' England shaped rich Catholic literary history

Novel explores Hispanic Catholic family's search for redemption

Poetry collection celebrates love for nuns, punctuation and 'everything feelable'

Meet Catholic revolutionary Grace Holmes Carlson

Sue Monk Kidd's new novel imagines Jesus' life and fictional marriage

Biography explores 'subversive' Christianity of novelist Dorothy Sayers

An author's peacekeeping journey during the Iraq War

Three books about peacemaking offer solidarity, solace and hope

Rambling and warmly written memoir is part of spring books roundup

New books explore dying, a brave bishop, and leaving Westboro Baptist Church

Family abandonment features in three new memoirs

Growing old, growing up, growing whole

Books explore Merton the writer, Religion 101 and Antarctic ice

Francis, friends share Wisdom of Time with youth

Three women's memoirs chronicle arduous, lifelong odysseys

Science, religion do not deal in certainty

Compelling memoirs reveal brutal history of Trinidad, Iraq, Southern Italy

Religion and faith underlie three books

Art historian takes readers on a words-only tour of the Sagrada Família
