
Traditional peoples hold key to healthy ecosystems, Vatican official says

Bad day for Big Oil is big climate win for religious shareholder advocates

Drought parching western U.S. brings water shortages, wildfires

Vatican helps get water to hospitals in the 'Global South'

EarthBeat Weekly: How to shrink our pandemic-fueled digital environmental footprints

Historian explores what global weather changes mean for faith communities

Pope Francis launches program to put Laudato Si' into action throughout church

On a 30-day retreat, feeling nature's hidden heartbeat

Faith-based groups welcome wider dialogue on climate with government

Pentecost is a time to remember the Holy Spirit's presence throughout all creation

'Religion entered into me': A talk with Jane Goodall, 2021 Templeton Prize winner

I am a bird, waiting: How to find God's presence in nature

Solar panels allow religious institutions to do well while doing good

EarthBeat Weekly: Laudato Si' Week envisions fossil fuel-free future

Creation Care Prayer Network launches to spur ecological conversion worldwide

Artist paints icons of endangered species to 'foster ecological conversion'

Vatican official: Church divestment from fossil fuels is 'moral imperative'

Petition launched to show Catholic support for healthy planet, people

Review of US bishops' investment guidelines is underway

Inside the campaign to divest the Catholic Church from fossil fuels
