
At Home in Creation: Where is your happy place?

Dioceses emerge from Hurricane Ida's wrath as others prepare to help

Notre Dame's Sakimoto: Church has 'profound' role in addressing climate crisis

EarthBeat Weekly: We've turned the heat up in cities, so how can we cool them down?

As temperatures rise with climate change, how can Houston beat the heat?

After historic flooding, amount of parish, community support is 'phenomenal'

City dwellers swelter in heat islands as high temps hit neighborhoods unequally

Grandma taught me what it means to live out Laudato Si'

EarthBeat Weekly: Climate change is the most critical environmental justice issue facing the world today

As climate change intensifies, how might Laudato Si' guide community responses?

Washington Archdiocese launches new action plan to care for creation

Holy waters: Prayer and protest against Line 3 pipeline at Mississippi headwaters

Greek archbishop: Changes might be needed to prepare for future disasters

In praise of rough towels

EarthBeat Weekly: Sobering climate report points to need for wealthy countries to scale back lifestyles

Infrastructure bill includes energy efficiency grants for houses of worship

Environmental leaders: UN climate change report can spur prayerful action

The climate apocalypse is real, and it is coming

Earth's climate outlook grim but not hopeless, faith leaders say

Climate change evidence 'unequivocal,' some impacts irreversible, report says
