Guest Voices

As Ukraine bleeds, Pope Francis and Russian Patriarch Kirill could be negotiators

Joseph Espaillat is New York's first Dominican bishop. What does this mean for our church?

Would Jesus care about the Phoenix priest's baptismal mistakes?

Music, journalism, slang, swagger — the Black prophetic tradition is all around us

El futuro es ahora: ¿Está lista la educación superior Católica para la creciente comunidad Hispana?

50 years later, Aretha Franklin's 'Young, Gifted and Black' teaches love awakens the soul

A tale of two synods: What will the German and Roman synodal gatherings accomplish?

As Catholic University of America seeks new president, 'the bishops' university' must confront identity crisis

El futuro is now: Is Catholic higher ed ready for the growing Hispanic community?

In nursing and in church, women's wisdom has been denigrated. But we are rising.

Can a new wave of climate fiction inspire climate action?

Tom Brady's retirement reminds of milestones in our own lives

Faith and football: seeking ethical responses to Super Bowl controversy

For a greener Valentine's Day, skip the bouquet of roses

Grant women's ordination advocates the respect of encounter

Stand together: Violence is every faith community's business

New podcast explores the life of Fr. Clarence Joseph Rivers

As a girl, I couldn't be an altar server. Becoming one at 63 has been a gift.

Re-Indigenize your faith by recognizing sweetgrass, all things as kin

Ice Cube's 'Good Day' taught me how to pray the Examen
