Guest Voices

The sex abuse scandal is not over. The hierarchal culture still needs transformation.

Are we all in this together? Now is not the time to give up on building solidarity

'Refusal to engage': Gen Z sees gap in support of LGBTQ+ rights among faith groups

20 years after Boston Globe's 'Spotlight,' we need a national database of accused clergy

The radical, healing message of 'A Christmas Carol'

Hospitality, help and reunion amid COVID-19 in Bangladesh

After 50 years, Gutiérrez's 'A Theology of Liberation' still 'What's Going On'

4 months before her death, Nana bought my infant daughter a gift. Here's what it taught us about transcendent love.

This holiday season, reduce your environmental impact with 'Buy Nothing'

President Biden and Congress' US military budget is an affront to God

Simbang Gabi is joyous — and a reminder of Filipinos' complex history with Catholicism

Thou shalt not share false witness

Advent message for white Catholics: Lean into the discomfort required to dismantle oppression

On the power and promised protection of La Virgen de Guadalupe

Abuse survivor Phil Saviano said something profound by having a Catholic funeral

As Dorothy Day's sainthood cause advances, this Catholic Worker won't be celebrating

At the table of plenty, is there room for me?

Some parents dissatisfied with COVID-19 safety protocols at Catholic schools and parishes

A rabbi reflects on the Law, the Pharisees and 'our friend' Francis

What Advent teaches us about wonder
