Guest Voices

Why this Catholic mom marched for abortion rights

How Catholic colleges can address the epidemic of sexual violence on campuses

A year after 'Fratelli Tutti,' it's time the church move from dreaming to doing

LGBT lives should be valued this Respect Life Month, too

I am a domestic abuse survivor. Parish priests must do more to support people like me.

Pope Francis has been a sea change for Catholic LGBTQ Ministry

Gen Z is keeping the faith. Just don't expect to see them at worship.

Catholic Worker 'family reunion' a time for joy, liturgy, discussion

Treatment of Haitian migrants at border should prick the US conscience

Advice to young priests from an 'older brother'

The return of Broadway and what the stage reveals to us

US bishops' new investment guidelines should address nuclear arms

Catholics seeking 'religious' exemptions to vaccines must follow true church teaching on conscience

Contrary to traditionalist claims, many Catholics are fleeing Latin Mass parishes

A contemporary Sikh 'saint' may offer insights into overcoming polarization

What can we learn from WNBA athletes fighting for freedom?

What America should understand about Germany's Synodal Path

Religious leaders call for release of David Gilbert from New York prison

These 5 economic policy changes would help us live in harmony with God's gift of life

20 years after 9/11, remembering the legacy of Fr. Mychal Judge
