Guest Voices

As Cardinal Becciu goes to court, Francis' financial reforms also on trial

Confessions of an exhausted Catholic

On World Day for Grandparents, let's remember LGBTQ grandparents, too

The Pillar investigation of Msgr. Burrill is unethical, homophobic innuendo

Unlivable faculty wages put Catholic higher education in existential crisis

The church is a 'we': reflections on Francis' restricting the Latin Mass

War drives Kenya's Aweer from the forest where they find God

We need a national paid family and medical leave program. Here's what Congress can do

Let's build a post-pandemic church worth going back to

With post-pandemic eviction crisis looming, Catholics must insist on housing for all

Laissez-faire judges and Catholic social teaching

Why hasn't Pope Francis apologized in Canada? Ask the bishops.

US bishops' theology is the true scandal in Philadelphia foster care case

A Ugandan 'thank you' to Pope Francis for creating the catechist ministry

US bishops' latest display of desperation has roots in years of dysfunction

Like Biden, my Supreme Court justice grandfather was shamed for going to Mass

St. Thomas More for our times: not a culture war hero

If you hear that Catholics want to deny Biden Communion, check the details

Children's graves in Canada reflect Catholic logic of Indigenous vanishment

The abuse crisis and the elusive horizon of a repenting church
