Guest Voices

To save lives, we must scrap patent protections on coronavirus vaccines

I'm a Filipina American and racism makes me afraid for me, for my family

Synodality and papal primacy: Questions regarding the Catholic Church today and the next pope

A plant-based diet is about much more than not harming animals

Were some saints mentally ill, or holy, or both?

Biden's misstep on refugee cap reveals complexity of migration debate

Can faith leaders shift public opinion toward climate action?

A former cop reckons with unending police killings of Black Americans

The Chauvin verdict: relief, vindication but not celebration

This Earth Day, Jane Goodall continues to shape the narrative

Learning to like Ramadan while living in Morocco

Art and the late Linda Nochlin can teach us about suffering

Wealthy conservative Catholics are the new US magisterium

The cultural disarmament of progressive Catholic bishops

Indigenous elders are teaching me the lesson of abundant generosity

I am a lifelong wheelchair user and I don't feel welcome in the church

Korean War POW Fr. Emil Kapaun's last Easter Mass speaks to this Good Friday

Celebrating Holy Week with memories of visiting Jerusalem

Once we were stardust, and what we will be is the good surprise

College basketball and the both/and of Catholic education
