Guest Voices

Guatemalans have mixed reaction to Kamala Harris' Central American trip

Social justice Catholics should reclaim rhetoric of objective truth, goodness

Finding the body of Christ in different 'spiritual communions'

How can the church better prepare Catholics for marriage?

Showing up Christian online: 8 ways to be 'leaven' on social media

With new synodal process, Francis creates an insurance policy for reforms

Beyond the cease-fire: breaking the cycle of Israeli-Palestinian violence

'Good trouble': What we see in Jesus' parable of the persistent widow

I am a bird, waiting: How to find God's presence in nature

Francis, US bishops and defending Communion from political manipulation

Francis' new ministry of catechist may help shrink the clergy-laity gap

A Catholic senator's view on Biden and the bishops

Whose synodality? Social alliances and institutional models in global Catholicism

'Violence begets violence': turmoil and fear in the Holy Land

Carole King's 'Tapestry' remains a masterpiece 50 years after its release

Bishop Robert Barron's 'beige' version of Vatican II

It's time for our Catholic president to address the church's sexual abuse scandal

Politicizing Biden's faith is pastoral malpractice

God's plan for animals is a hot topic in theology that we can all understand

Catholic bishops opposed a suicide prevention hotline. Why?
