Guest Voices

Access to clean water is a life issue that the church must defend

In 'Gaudete et Exsultate,' Francis calls us on journey of 'small holiness'

The movement for women's equality in the church cannot be stopped

At Holy Spirit in Las Vegas, desert retreatants found room at the inn

Congressional act set to deport thousands

Francis' focus on practicing virtue has guided Catholic universities

Arm our hearts, not our teachers

7 takeaways from hosting 'Amoris Laetitia' theology seminars for 47 US bishops

Love holds no place for subordination

Cuba's relations with the Catholic Church show improvement

Standing with the least among us

Catholic response to the 'Janus' labor union case

Trump's budget would harm struggling Americans

Correct, don't complicate excommunication of Lincoln's Call to Action members

How can you really love God? I've found three keys

Cardinal's words on same-sex blessings show church's broader dilemma

Ash Wednesday is Valentine's Day -- for God

Catholic institutions must heed Pope Francis' call to respect the worker

In militarized Honduras, delegation speaks truth to power to US Embassy

Post-election Honduras means living in a hypermilitarized state
