Guest Voices

Nurturing the cosmic perspective of learned ignorance

Being a witness to election aftermath in Honduras

The scandal may be in not holding funerals for gay spouses, theologians say

Our church was named for Robert E. Lee — here is how we changed it

Rosemary Haughton's contributions to Catholicism deserve rediscovery

Let us write the unwritten poems about the soul of America

Cardinal Law's complex role in the contemporary history of clergy sexual abuse

Conversation, scrutiny and tea on the house

The tax overhaul isn't a victory and isn't a gift

Why Christians should hate Christmas

Australian church, take abuse commission report seriously or risk irrelevance

Parish priest breaks the silence, shares that he is gay

Sen. Tim Kaine offers to dialogue with Archbishop Naumann

Nuclear disarmament is possible if we have faith and act on it

Women's voices are missing amid discussions of sex assault, power abuse

Vatican's nuclear disarmament conference emphasizes shift toward logic of peace

How do we create a high-value health care system?

Climate change is a threat to rich and poor alike

The Trump presidency and Europe's dilemma

Why do we still tolerate Mass stipends?
